220 Net Mineral Acres for Sale, Washita County, OK
220 Net Minerals Acres for Sale in Washita County, OK. The 220 NMA will be sold in an online auction ending on February 13th. The minerals will be sold in two separate tracts.
Tract 1
110 Net Mineral Acres for Sale, Washita Co., OK
E/2 Section 15, Township 10N, Range 16W, Washita Co., OK
Tract 2
110 Net Mineral Acres for Sale, Washita Co., OK
E/2 Section 15, Township 10N, Range 16W. Washita Co., OK
Auction Dates – The online auction will begin to close on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, at 4:00 pm, utilizing a soft close format (see terms & conditions #4).
Check Out Dates – 10% of the purchase price is to be placed in escrow on the day of the auction with the balance due in 30 days. The buyer will have 20 days to do their due diligence and provide a written report of any discrepancy in the title in the 20-day period from auction date.
Terms: 10% of the purchase price is to be placed in escrow on the day of the auction with the balance due in 30 days. The buyer will have 20 days to do their due diligence and provide a written report of any discrepancy in the title in the 20-day period from auction date.
Title: Will be conveyed by a Quit Claim Mineral Deed at closing.
Closing: Will be at the office of Atlas Title & Closing, LLC on or before March 15, 2024, and the closing fee of $500.00 will be shared equally between buyer and seller.
Buyer’s Premium: A 10% buyer’s premium will be added to the bid price. The contract price will be equal to the bid price plus the Buyer’s Premium.
220 Net Mineral Acres for Sale, Washita County, OK 220 Net Minerals Acres for Sale in Washita County, OK. The 220 NMA...